Almost certainly if you have a good credit history.
PCP is more flexible than, say, leasing so you stand a good chance of getting a PCP deal with bad credit. However, a person with a low credit score is seen as a risk by lenders, which means you could be charged more interest.
Annual percentage rate (APR) includes interest and any administration fees.
A soft credit search checks your credit history without affecting it, no matter how often it’s done. A hard credit search is used when you apply for a loan or a finance deal – and if you have a poor credit history, it could negatively impact your score
If you have a good credit history, there’s little reason why not.
When it comes to HP, people with bad credit aren’t considered too much of a risk. This is because, until the final payment is made, the lender owns the car, and if the borrower misses any payments, the lender can choose to seize the vehicle.
It stands for annual percentage rate; it includes interest for a whole year plus any admin fees.
Contact us
If you have any questions about vehicle financing with Vindis, please don’t hesitate to contact us.